My Career Path at LeanIX - Enrique Trejo (Head of Customer Support Europe)

Posted by Viola Vester


Here we are again!

As you know, I shared my experience during my first 100 days at LeanIX. Since then, it's been 1 year 5 months and every month is getting better and better.

There has been a lot of learnings in the customers success department specifically in our customer support team. In the last months we have onboarded new colleagues, we have implemented new processes and we all have grown in experience and knowledge due to the company's dynamism and fast changing environment.

Talking a little bit of my experience, I feel very happy to share that on the 1st of July 2019 I got promoted as Head of Support Europe. I can mention that this promotion was earned with hard working, strong determination and team collaboration.

This promotion made me also realize that LeanIX is a company which offers professional opportunities and allows their team members to scale professionally. Because it is important to share this information, I would like to share some aspects which are foremost important to grow in the Customer Support team:

  1. Strong focus on the position and the results:
    Do not try to learn everything, focus on what you do and do it well
  2. Recognize the importance of delivering results:
    Done is better than perfect
  3. Analyze the impact and urgency:
    Why are we doing something? and when it needs to be done?
  4. Communication is key:
    How long it takes to deliver the message? What is the impact of what you say?
  5. Understand your audience:
    Communication is not the same for developers or accountants or designers

My experience at LeanIX is very positive. Every single day I am acquiring new learnings and enriching my knowledge by interacting, sharing and communicating with our experienced colleagues who are coming from different industries.

I feel professional satisfaction to know that LeanIX is a company who seeks for potential. LeanIX is looking for professionals who are willing to grow, determined to make an impact in the function, and decided to grow in the team. I am confident to say that I will be growing together with LeanIX in the years to come.