My first 100 days at LeanIX – Enrique, Customer Support

Posted by Viola Vester


Personally, I feel fortunate that I had the opportunity some years ago to discover my professional passion. What gives me even more satisfaction, is the fact, that I have the opportunity to develop my passion for a company like LeanIX.

Professionally, I was seeking a company where I could further develop my skills and learn interesting business processes. At the same time, I was looking for a company where my ideas of process improvement could be heard.

Furthermore, an organization where I could find professional role models based on experience. Today, I am confident to say that LeanIX is definitely the company that fulfills my professional expectations.

After working for 7 years in Germany and having experienced various industries, I was very clear in what kind of company I wanted to develop and invest my professional time. After carefully analyzing LeanIX and contacting some people inside the company in order to ask their feeling of working at LeanIX, I finally concluded that I would quit my job and join LeanIX.

I started on the 1st of March 2018 in the Customer Success department performing the tasks of Customer Support.

From day one, I was very surprised by the welcoming. The company had prepared my personal laptop and included the mug with my name and a branded t-shirt. I found those details very nice and thoughtful because it gave me a feeling of being important, above all that the company was happy to have me there.

 Onboarding Enrique


What surprised me the most about my first week was, the fact that my department had a weekly training plan for me. The plan consisted of trainings per department and also included the learnings that I was supposed to get on a weekly basis. I can tell since the first day I feel very satisfied with my decision of joining LeanIX.

Talking specifically about the Customer Success department. I have concluded that three main skills are necessary to be effective in the position, for example:

  1. Organizational skills: to keep track and being able to close topics that may need attention in two days, one week or one month;
  2. Analytical skills: to be able to understand what the customer expects from the system, and why it is important for their business;
  3. Structural communication skills: to be able to explain a topic/issue/status; in a clear and precise way, to different stakeholders.

So far, my experience at LeanIX is very positive. I can tell, after working in different German companies that LeanIX is having a great perspective and vision about the business and also a great strategy for the employees. I feel very happy to part of LeanIX and there is no doubt that I can recommend the company to friends or acquaintances.