Employee Story - Subho Bose (Sr. Research Analyst)

Posted by Viola Vester

image (9) (9)What are you doing at LeanIX?

I’m a Sr. Research Analyst here at LeanIX in Hyderabad, India.

Why have you chosen LeanIX?

I chose LeanIX because of optimism. The anticipation that every individual has within, to see themselves grow and become something bigger, every day since yesterday. Besides LeanIX gives plenty of opportunities for everyone who is a part of its story.

Why should other people join LeanIX?

Because here what you say matters, no matter how stupid or insane. What I feel is “we are big enough to deliver but also small enough to care”. If you compare LeanIX with any other firm out there, boy… will you be wrong, LeanIX is like a rocket ship. Grab a seat, hold on tight and enjoy the ride!!!

What is your favourite place in the office?

Common Cafeteria where we all sit together, have lunch and share our stories. Also my work station, it looks so cool.

The best thing about office life?

The everyday interaction with team members and how we solve each other’s problems one way or the other.

If you could change departments for a day, which task profile would appeal to you? 

I think I woul like to be a part of our Customer Success team for a day and understand how the direct interaction with the customers are done and how we make their jobs easier every day.