220 Home-Offices: Working in times of Corona

Posted by Viola Vester


The world of work has changed a lot in the last few days. The streets are empty and so are most offices. Because of the coronavirus, companies are now dependent on employees being able to work well from home. We’re pleased that we equipped our employees from the outset with hardware and software that makes working from home not an issue at all.

In particular, we’re using innovative working methods to face the challenges of home office (all of which to hopefully alleviate many other issues such as childcare and finding time to buy toilet paper). As such, we’d like to show you how our work organization is structured — either to give you an idea of what to expect when working for us or perhaps to serve as a model for other companies. But keep in mind, work-from-home requires the positive attitudes of a fantastic team, besides the right setup.

Even for a software company like us, it’s essential to have highly usable hardware. That’s why we provide all employees with a MacBook Pro. Our communications take place mainly through Slack. Here we work freely in teams across many locations on many projects. In Slack, it’s also possible to contact any colleagues at any time to stay in touch with one another, besides having channels for team collaboration or general information.

With Zoom, we organize regular web meetings. This helps us not only remember that we are a team, but also allows us to see each other and better feel it too. But what happens when it comes to exchanging data and sharing documents? Isn’t there an enormous mess of data and information when everyone is isolated at home and forced to send items back and forth to one another? Where is everything stored? Well, to make sure that this problem remains an issue from the 90s, we use BOX. It is a storage program that centrally stores data in the cloud. Through BOX, every employee has access to their data and can share it with colleagues via links instead of moving entire documents. We’re certainly not at the end of the line yet (in fact, we’re still very much on it!). But we currently feel equipped to work from home. We are extremely motivated and positive to keep the journey of LeanIX running as uninterrupted as possible. The coronavirus won’t get us down!