Komm, mach MINT!

Posted by Tim Achtermeyer


We just joined the national pact for the strengthening of women in MINT professions. Our CEO André Christ signed the declaration of accession and commitment.

According to a 2019 statistic from StepStone, only about 20% of the software industry employees are women. The field is not an isolated case: women are underrepresented in almost all MINT professions. MINT includes the spheres of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. There are plenty of reasons: role stereotypes, male-dominated study programs, or the still existing glass ceiling in the working world.
It is one thing to know about this problem, another to speak about it, but most of all: we have to do something about it — more than we already do at the moment. LeanIX regularly already organizes Girls Days. This year, due to a pandemic, our People Department organized a digital Girls Day with lectures by female role models from the team on coding, sales, digital and product marketing. 50 young women and girls joined this event.
Currently, LeanIX is working on how the company can support more students in MINT subjects. For women who are already in professional life, LeanIX hosts events of the Lean In Foundation, which aims to network and strengthen women in business.
"Our global team comes from 24 nations and demonstrates to us daily how essential and productive diversity is. But we - like the entire economy and especially our industry - have a lot of catching up to do in gender diversity. It is not only a moral issue but also an economic one. Agile companies thrive on collaboration and multifaceted exchange, which is essential to their success. We need more women in IT - and as a company, we want to make our contribution. Joining the national MINT pact is a further step for us to continue our activities to empower women."
(André Christ, CEO of LeanIX)
LeanIX has a female share of 30%. Under the german label “Komm, mach MINT,” the company is committed to a series of empowerment measures, such as Girls Day, special internships, consulting services and more. The German government funds the project, which is the only nationwide networking initiative that inspires girls and women to pursue MINT studies and professions. More than 260 Partners out of Media, Science, public and private sector already joined.

Find out more about the project : https://www.komm-mach-mint.de/