Employee Story – Gaurav Pareek (Sr. Software Engineer)

Posted by Viola Vester


What are you doing at LeanIX?
I’m the Sr. Software Engineer here at LeanIX in Hyderabad (India).

Why have you chosen LeanIX?
As a software engineer, I wanted an organization where I can align my career goals with the organization’s growth. As Hyderabad’s office only had 5 members before I joined, I was intrigued by numerous opportunities I will be getting here. Also, I was enthralled by the technical stack of the company. I could see a lot of things that I can learn and also contribute to the growth of the company. 

Why should other people join Leanix?
Although we are not big in the number of employees, still very well structured and organized. You will always find colleagues ready to help you whenever you are stuck with something. Having said that we are small in number it gives you a great opportunity to mark your presence in the company. Leadership is more than just leaders. They are very open to new ideas, easily approachable, and very transparent with communication.

What is your favorite place in the office?
My desk, as I always need a secondary monitor beside my MacBook!

The best thing about office life?
The intense brainstorming session in a meeting room where the idea flows like a river. As Hyderabad office is in coworking space you get the chance to interact with engineers from other startups as well. 

If you could change departments for a day, which task profile would appeal to you? 
Sales. I would love to understand the challenges customers are facing, identify the areas, and enhance the product to facilitate a better experience for customers.