Employee Story -  Brigid Cunningham (Sr. Sales Operations Manager)

Posted by Viola Vester

Bridgit-E-StoryWhat are you doing at LeanIX?

I’m the Sr. Sales Operations Manager (Global) here at LeanIX in Boston.

Why have you chosen LeanIX?

I chose LeanIX because of leadership. They’re not just intelligent, which is something you can find in many companies, especially here in Boston; but they really care about the product and are passionate about what the company is trying to achieve.

Why should other people join Leanix?

Here in Boston, we’re lucky enough to have options in the job market between huge tech companies or a small start-up’s. LeanIX is the perfect combination between those two. We’re small enough where you don’t feel like a number - where you can call up the CEO/leadership, schedule lunch, and they know your name- but big enough where it’s structured, so you’re not getting burnt out and feeling like you’re running around with your head cut off!

What is your favourite place in the office?

Anywhere there is a dog!

The best thing about office life?

The ability to work collaboratively with your coworkers in the office and globally with ease. Each meeting room and common space has the technology to connect with your peers in Germany or India easily. 

If you could change departments for a day, which task profile would appeal to you? 

Product Development or Sales. Product Development because I would love to understand the work that goes in making changes to the product. The Sales team because they are on the front line with the customers and the better I can understand their struggles the easier it is for me to identify areas that I can improve our CRM system, analytics, and sales processes.