Employee Story -  Markus, Marketing Intern

Posted by Viola Vester


Markus, you are our intern since March. So a long time of this internship runs by remote work. How do you feel about doing a remote internship?

At the start of my internship, I was lucky to work in the Bonn office for the first two weeks. I got to know my whole team and most of the other employees personally.

The transition to working from home went smoothly. In fact, I had not really worked from home before. So it was a complete change to the way I previously worked. However, I quickly noticed that an effective routine at work developed. All meetings were already mainly digital/remote equipped so that there was no need for any change.


What are you doing at LeanIX, and why did you apply at LeanIX?

I work as an intern in the Demand Generation and Product Marketing departments, where my responsibilities include pricing and many other projects.

To be honest, I had no professional experience in the IT industry in the past. Still, I always wanted to learn more about deep technological products and business models. Shortly before I applied at LeanIX, I attended an entrepreneurship conference where André (CEO) was a speaker. Afterwards, I had informed myself even more about the business model of LeanIX, and I was very enthusiastic about how fast the company has grown and how important the LeanIX tool for big enterprises is.


You just said you weren't in the IT business before. Can you share some impressions, working for the first time in a tech company?

It is thrilling every day because the product is, of course not the simplest, such as a shirt you buy on the internet. But that's precisely why I find it so exciting because the product always brings new experiences through features, integrations and improvements. It seems that the learning curve does not become flatter. Especially the ever-evolving product as well as the high growth of LeanIX as a tech company has impressed me the most.


In some minds, an internship is connected to cooking coffee the whole time. What are your regular tasks?

Cooking coffee is definitely not part of my job, except for myself. What I found great was that as an intern, you were given direct ownership of specific tasks and could then present them independently. This tasks often vary according to the project, so you never get bored. Besides, you are directly integrated into the entire company. Either through daily stand-ups or all-hands meetings with the whole company.


Some other words, you'd like to say?

So far, three months have passed, and I could already learn a lot. I am looking forward to the next three months even more. LeanIX is a great company when it comes to personal and professional development.