Employee Story -  Laura, Marketing Manager

Posted by Viola Vester


Who are you?

Hey, I’m Laura Mauersberger. I’ve studied communication management, and I’ve lived in many places all over the world. Now, I’m in Germany and really happy.

What are you doing at LeanIX?

At LeanIX I work as a marketing Manager. My job is to make sure that people know what LeanIX does and how amazing our products are. 

Why have you chosen LeanIX?

The reason why I’ve chosen LeanIX is that we are an agile tech startup. Here you can make a difference. 

Why should other people join LeanIX?

The reason why I’ve chosen LeanIX is that we are an agile tech startup. Here you can make a difference. If you are interested in working for a company, where your opinions are heard, and you can see that everything you do has an impact on the company’s future, LeanIX is the right place for you!Here are the new questions.

What is your favourite place in Office?

I actually love my desk. I work in an open space and it is the perfect combination of a quiet environment, but at the same time I can just feel a bustling energy of people working. This really motivates me on a daily basis.

Best thing about office life?

I get to be around incredibly intelligent peers, who push me to become better, but at the same time support me and drive me to become better. The environment feels like a well oiled machine, all working together to achieve a single goal, you can sense a great team spirit here.

If you could change departments for a day, which task profile would appeal to you?

I would love to intern in IT. I’ve always admired developers and their ability to create amazing new things out of a few (thousand ;-) ) lines of code.