What comes after university? - Career Week at IUBH with LeanIX

Posted by Viola Vester


Nowadays, in the corona-times, a lot of enterprises stoped their hiring. These increases the role of career offices for students and enterprises, as they offer students the possibility to get to know enterprises, and the other way round.

LeanIX took the chance to cooperate with the IUBH Career Office Bad Honnef. During the IUBH Carrer Week, LeanIX Sales Director DACH Christian Savelsberg and Territory Sales Manager Fynn Mackensen gave an insight into their working life.

The two sales experts were keen to dispel prejudices about Sales. In the understanding of LeaniX Sales helps potential customers instead of selling a solution that might not be suited for the customer. So Christian and Fynn have chosen “Stop selling, start helping” as their headline for the workshop.Within a few months, the entire working life has changed. Before the Corona pandemic, students looked into great job perspectives.

In entertaining 90 minutes, they gave students an insight into the world of enterprise architecture and gave some insights into the different scenarios and phases of a sales processes.

The lecture was followed by an interesting discussion with the students. As well the Students asked the two sales experts about the world of sales, cloud-based systems, and the development of the working world.

Both LeanIX and IUBH see the cooperation as a success and want to continue it.